Canadian Advanced Senior High believes in accountability, equity, community and global partnerships.
A graduate of Canadian Advanced Senior High will be the 21st-century global citizen who is multilingual, a life-long and self-directed learner, an articulate communicator, collaborative worker, complex thinker, community contributor, and quality producer.
We collaborate with local schools and agents to help students reach their goal of attaining tertiary education.
We accredit international students with a Canadian Secondary School Diploma upon completing a full or a locally-partnered curriculum program as students remain studying in their local schools and home countries.

Principal’s Greeting

Principal Au is committed to providing quality education for local and international students.
Paul Au has worked for the Toronto District School Board as Principal of several renowned schools, including A.Y. Jackson Secondary School, Earl Haig Secondary School, and Drewry Secondary School. He was also the founder and co-director of Laureate International College. He pioneered the first Summer International Program (AYJGLOBAL) for TDSB in Asia since 2002, including the running of credit courses and non-credit ESL courses in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.
Principal Au’s commitment to quality education and school development compels him to cooperate with other schools, education bureaus, and universities in Canada and abroad. Over the years, Principal Au has successfully cooperated with many educational institutions in varying capacities. Students have testified to have significantly benefited from these partnerships by achieving academic success, acquiring a love for learning, and increasing self-confidence during their academic career.