Technological Education Graduation Requirement in Secondary Schools

Technological Education Graduation Requirement in Secondary Schools

The Ontario government recently announced new actions that will help ensure that students have early exposure and access to learning opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields, including in the skilled trades.

On December 12, 2022, the Minister of Education announced that Ontario is continuing to modernize the curriculum with a focus on STEM, including learning related to the skilled trades, through upcoming revisions to the Technological Education curriculum. As announced on March 10, the ministry is introducing a new Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) graduation requirement for students to earn a Grade 9 or 10 Technological Education credit, starting with the cohort of students entering Grade 9 in September 2024.

Students will be required to earn at least one credit from the Grade 9 or 10 courses in the Technological Education curriculum, which covers a broad range of sectors, including construction, transportation, manufacturing, computer technology, and communication.

A compulsory credit in Technological Education is intended to give students hands on experience and early exposure to skilled trades and build on the learning in the recently revised elementary Science and Technology curriculum.

This new graduation requirement builds upon other actions announced this week to accelerate student’s opportunities to enter the skilled trades, including: 

       Beginning consultations with employers, unions, education stakeholders, trainers, parents, students, and others to explore academic entry requirements for the skilled trades.

       Exploring an accelerated Apprenticeship pathway for students.

       Revising the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition for Mature Students policy to recognize up to 30 credits required to earn the Ontario Secondary School Diploma for individuals with a Certificate of Apprenticeship or equivalent. This policy will be revised this Spring for implementation in September 2023.



“Ontario Preparing Students for Jobs of the Future.” Ontario Newsroom,

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