
西班牙语,3 级


课程 课程大纲
课程类型 大学预备课程
先修条件 西班牙语2 级,大学预备课程 (LWSCU)


This course provides students with opportunities to communicate, interact, and practice the language in a variety of social and academic contexts. Students will refine and enhance their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, as well as their creative and critical thinking skills. They will explore and respond to a variety of oral and written texts, including complex authentic and adapted texts. They will also broaden their understanding and appreciation of World Heritage Sites & Intangibles (both Hispanic and Canadian) as well as art and other forms of expression, and develop skills necessary for lifelong language learning and overall communication.


• 多学科、跨领域的学习支持,帮助同学获得更高分数

• 简洁、易操作的课程界面设置使学习更加轻松

• 为每节课配备的教学录像将提供最为详尽的学习指导

• 一对一的课后辅导

• 同学的任何问题将得到及时回复

• 自主规划课程学习时间,同学可在1-4个月之内完成课程全部内容

• 免费咨询大学申请和职业规划
